In order to do something different each week of the year, I have a list of challenges to undertake...

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Week 36 - Get Serious About Running

I am a reluctant runner. When I am out plodding the streets with my wet weekend face on, mothers hide their small children on my approach; old people hurry across the road; builders hold their wolf-whistles, and stare in silence at my passing.

I hear of a 'runner's high', but I have no idea what it is - the nearest I get is 'thank goodness THAT'S out the way', when I stop. It is true, the hardest step is the one out of the front door - I am the queen of prevarication, and the number of times that my 'lunchtime run' has morphed into 'afternoon teatime' is without measure.

So why have a started an 8wk virtual 10k training course at Up & Running?

For one thing, I am doing it for the 'running = cake' reason - I love my grub, and I love a glass or two of red or white, or beer; I'm in my mid-forties, and want to avoid becoming the size of a barn.

I am hoping that the this course will change my attitude to some degree - I know it can't possibly brainwash me into wearing an 'I LUUURVE RUNNING!!' vest any time soon, but I am looking forward to seeing how I feel at the end of the course.

My big brother is another factor. He fascinates me, as he is a natural athlete, he loves running, he goes a bit funny if he can't get out and run. I do wonder how come we are related sometimes, I really do. But he has encouraged me every scowly-faced, ploddy-step of the way. He is my biggest cheerleader, and I'm touched that he SO wants me to get as much out of running as he does, and I guess that I am flattered that he is Taking An Interest in what his little sis is up to - I feel included in his and his friends' hobby, and that's a good thing.

What I am looking forward to is learning the technique of running - I know that at the end of the day that it's just putting one foot in front of the other; but I want to be like my bro when he is running - head up, confident, in charge of his body, powering through!

The alternative look is what I saw when I ran the Great Midlands Fun Run in June - I observed the group of (mostly) women who I was more or less with through the whole route, and sneered at their red-faced, big-bummed waddles and shuffling gait - how uncomfortable they look! How inelegant! When the penny dropped that I BET THAT''S WHAT I LOOK LIKE, I very nearly stopped dead in my tracks there and then.

I do not want to be a waddler or a shuffler, I want to be A RUNNER.

And that's why I've taken it to the next level - and my week 36 Challenge is underway!


  1. Why have I never read this Blog of yours until recently? As with your allotment Blog, it's full of interest and so well written. You know that your allotment Blog inspired me to start my own, don't you. Anyway, Hazel, I am not trying to compete with your challenge, but I've done quite a few new things myself over the past couple of weeks or so. I've done my first online shopping, so that should free up some time to fill with even more interests. A few days ago I became a Facebooker, and today I dismantled the waste pipes under the sink, as it was blocked, and cleaned them all out ......but had a few probs putting them back together again. Thanks to Ken-from-the-corner who came to the rescue. Live at the Hill this week? I'll be there, with some neighbours. C u.

    1. Hurrah for Ken-from-the-corner! And well done on your 'new things' - neither facebook or online grocery shopping are on my Challenge list (or mucking about under the sink for that matter!) - perhaps they should be?

  2. Well done you, I am quite sure that the 'mid-forties cake lover' looks nothing like any barn around here :}

    Kudos to Big Bro, because having a cheerleader and someone to work with makes so much difference to grinding along on your own. I've never managed the running thing but am sure that once you nail some efficient technique it will be much easier (and less wear on the old bod) than floundering around inefficiently. That applies to pretty much everything we do in life, so why not running?

    I understand Bro getting 'twitchy' if he doesn't get out and get his fix regularly. That is how I feel about walking and being outdoors.

    Just for kicks and grins, once you've nailed road running, have a look at this. I read this blog because I love the way he writes, like the reports and gear reviews, but just cannot for the life of me understand why he does what he does!!
    Tim and his partner are massage therapists, very interesting site:

    PS: scroll down his blog to "new years resolutions", it's an August entry.

    1. Fell running! That is a madness too far! I went to the Kilnsey Show one year and you could see all these coloured dots going up the face of the crag at some speed - mad, the lot of 'em! Good blog link, thanks.

  3. Wow, at my age I don't think I'll take up running, but I should do more walking. I love your 52 week challenge and nearly forget to look sometimes. Well done you. I just realised that I could be your mother, as my daughter will be 41 soon.

    1. You can do more walking once you've moved to explore your new neighbourhood, Sue! Happy birthday to your daughter when it comes. :-)
