In order to do something different each week of the year, I have a list of challenges to undertake...

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Week 52 - Write a Poem

Now this year is nearly done
Let me tell you of my fun
A challenge for each week was set
Now have I won my weekly bet?

The New Year brought things to clean -
That's when I was really keen!
Windows, garage, oven, car 
My cleaning powers are above par!

Fun things also I undertook
Here's the list, just take a look:
Sea swimming, nail painting, drawing too
Making sweets - all nice things to do.

I took my challenges to the plot
My paths a dressing of woodchippings got
A scarecrow made to protect my crops
The annual show - it was top of the pops!

A falling leaf is hard to catch
I thought that here I'd met my match.
Despite the cold and wind and rain
New running goals I did attain

Domestic skills I have acquired
By many things I was inspired
Knitting, quilting, making bread
I can't let this go to my head!

As the year draws to a close
My final task is this piece of prose
And with a glass of home made cheer
I wish you all a Happy New Year!


  1. Big Sister Helen's most impressed
    By all the things you've done -
    A year of weekly challenges,
    Some worthy and some fun.

    I went with speed each week to read
    Your blog each Sunday night;
    Admired the most your early rise
    To greet the Solstice light!

    So if this New Year's Eve you feel
    You've nothing much to do -
    Sit down and start another list
    For next year's 52!

    Well done!

  2. Hazel, so well written and so glad you achieved all your challenges. I think I saw most of them and it was fun on the journey with you although I live so far away. Take care and what you going to do for 2014?

    1. It has been really fun, Sue, and I've done lots of new things, some of which I would like to revisit at a later date. Thank you for following me through the year.
      2014's challenges will be cooking related - as soon as I sort a blog out, I'll pop it on the side bar! :-)

  3. Better have a look back at your clearing out garage post (lol).
